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Picture of American Flag Tie-Dye Tapestry

American Flag Tie-Dye Tapestry

Picture of Step 1:

Step 1:

Lay one square yard of dampened fabric on flat surface. 

Picture of Step 2:

Step 2:

Use washable marker to draw guidelines as shown on your fabric.

Picture of Step 3:

Step 3:

Tie small sections of the top corner into a sunburst design, securing tightly with rubber bands.

Picture of Step 4:

Step 4:

Continue to add rubber bands to marked sections, wrapping tightly.

Picture of Step 5:

Step 5:

Add dark blue dye to top bundled section, being careful to not dye the tops of each sunburst.

Picture of Step 6:

Step 6:

Add red dye to alternating sections of the tapestry, flipping as needed to get full coverage on the material.

Picture of Step 7:

Step 7:

Cover tapestry in plastic and let set for 6-8 hours. Rinse, wash, and dry before displaying.

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